
Thursday, May 27, 2021


Kia Ora, this week for RE we are learning about Pentecost. Pentecost is the birthday of the church and it is the red time in the liturgical year. Pentecost is when the holy spirit comes down to the deciples. I have made a slideshow about what happens on pentecost day. I hope you like it and you learn some things about penetcost the birthday of the church.

Do you celebrate pentecost?

Friday, May 21, 2021

Exellant Eels

Bonjour, welcome back to my blog. This week for literacy we were learning about eels. You might just think that they are these slimy snake like things in the water, and maybe they are still that but they do have some interesting facts. Here is a fact about eels: Eels can live for 80 years, that is a pretty long time just for a little eel.

Do you know anything about eels before you read this?

Thursday, May 13, 2021

What is bullying?

 No one likes to be bullied but some people are. In this blog I am going to answer the question on everyones mind what is bullying? Bullying is worse than being mean because that only happens about once or maybe even twice but bullying keeps on going. Being rude is not even when the person means it. In bullying there are the 3 p's they are purpose, pattern and power, I will explain what those things mean in this google drawing!

Did you know about the 3 p's before you read this?

Magnificent Margret Mahy

 Margaret Mahy is a very popular kids author.  She wrote lots of kids books and her first book that was pubilished was called the lion in the meadow, have you ever read this book? Margaret Mahy is the name of a very popular playground for all ages in the city center of Christchurch. We had a literacy task board and it was about Ōtautahi christchurch and Margaret Mahy. We had to make a blog post about her. 

Have you ever been to Margaret Mahy playground or read her books?

Friday, May 7, 2021


 This week our task for RE was to create a vine and then put grapes on it. Then we write in the grapes the things that we should do or do more often. On my vine it has purple grapes and in them there is some things that could make everybody better people. Using shapes and curve on google drawing I drew a vine and put some grapes on it and wrote in them.

Do you think you could do these things more often or start doing them?

Thursday, May 6, 2021

ANZAC Graphic Novel

Each week we get a literacy task board. This week our literacy task board was about ANZAC day. That stands for Astralian New Zealand Army Corps. We had to read this story called Harry's war, it was about a person named Harry and this man told him he had to go to war. Harry went on a train to his training camp, and in the end he was in the war, fighting for his countrie. My Graphic Novel will explain what happened a little bit better. 

Do you know anything about the war or ANZAC Day?